
information technology

is seen from the composers word technology and information. the easyly information technology human engineer result towards information delivery process from sender part to receivers so that information delivery quicker, broader sebaran and the storage longer.


in the early history, human swops information passes language. so language technology. language makes somebody realizes information that submitted by another person. but language that submitted from mouth to only survive a moment mouth, that is only at the (time) of the sender submits information passes that the pronunciation. after that pronunciation is finished, so information that reside in that consignee hand be forgetted and can not be kept long. besides also limited. for certain distance, although still heard, information that submitted via voice language degradation even will lost absolutely.

afterwards information delivery technology blooms to pass picture. with information reach picture can farther. this picture can be mentioned and submitted to another person. besides existing information will outwear. several olden times survival pictures still there up to now so that human now can (try) to realize information that want to submitted the maker.

found alfabet and number arabik facilitate efficienter way to deliver information from the previous way. a picture that represent a event is made with combination alfabet, or with number writing, like mcmxliii replaced with 1943. technology with alfabet this make easy in that information writing.

then, printing office technology makes quicker information delivery again. electronic technology likes radio, television, computer causes information is quicker widespread at area broader and stored longer.