
positive impact and negative internet technology development consequence

internet computer network linked internationally and widespread in all the world. this network covers millions computer aeroplane linked one with another with make use telephone network (good also electromagnetic wave). network millions this computer makes various application is carried out to deliver computer in internet network with software support and hardware that wanted. to merge into this network, one side (in this case provider) must has application program with data bank that prepares information and data that can at access by other party that merged into internet. side that merged into this network has address aloof (will like telephone number) that can be contacted to pass internet network. this provider is server for sides that has personal computer (pc) to be customer and or to accessing internet. in line with period development, also more progress internet technology progress. ‘internet’ computer network that can connect a computer or computer network with computer network other, so that can communicating or share data without see itself computer kind. in the year 1999, computer total that related with internet in all the world achieve more than 40 million and this total is then increases every day. in this time web site total achieves millions, even may be triliyun its contents holds diverse topic. of course, those sites is information source both for positive and or negative. information is said positive when useful to observation. here under be explained positive impacts also negative from internet use.


internet as communication media, be internet function at most be used where every internet user can communicate with another user from whole world.

~ data transfer media, by using email, newsgroup, ftp and www (world wide web – web sites network) internet users in all the world can mutual swop information swiftly and cheap.
~ media to look for information or data, fast internet development, make www as one of [the] important information source and accurate.
~ ease gets information exist in internet so that human knows everything that.
~ can be used as information tune for educational, culture, and others
~ ease transacts and business in the field of trade so that unnecessary go to aim to tender/sale place.

negative impact :

~ opinion pornography that say that identical internet with pornography, really not wrong. ably information delivery that has internet, pornography even also rage. to anticipate this matter, producers ‘browser’ equip their programs ably to choose kind home-page that can accsess. at internet found pornography pictures and violence that can cause push to somebody to act criminal.
~ violence and gore cruelty and also many displayed sadism. because business aspect and contents in internet world not limited, so site owners use all manner kind so that can sell their site. one of them with display matters has taboo.
~ this matter victimization is really rage at wherever area . internet even also not loose from fake attack. best manner heedlesses of this matter or confirmated information whom you get in the source information.
~ carding because in character ‘real time’ (direct). internet criminals even also at most commit crime in the field of this. with opened character, criminals can to detect transaction existence (that use credit card) on-line and register card code that used. henceforth they use data whom they get for their crime.
~ another impact gambling the wide-speading of gambling. with network available, unnecessary gamblers goes to special place to fulfill the willing. you only necessary avoid site likes this, because usually gambling site not aggresive and need many sanctions from the visitors. decrease human social character because inclined more like to connected via internet than meet directly (face to face). from social character that change can cause society pattern change in interacted. crime likes to cheat and steal can be done at internet (also come along to bloom) crime. can make addicted somebody, especially that concern pornography and can spend money because just for serve addicted. so internet depend on how does their way in use that technology, but should must there boundaries and norms that must they hold on firm although come into contact with internet or in illusion world.